New Delhi, India September 28 – Kumulos, used by thousands of Mobile App Development Companies across 25 countries, today at Indian Mobile Congress 2017 in New Delhi India, unveiled the latest feature addition to its white label app management platform – Crash Management.
Currently the Kumulos platform includes App Hosting & API Management (mBaaS), Analytics, Client Reporting, Push Notifications and App Store Optimization. With the addition of Crash Management, Kumulos can comfortably claim to be the most comprehensive Mobile App Management Platform available today.
Kumulos Crash introduces two new innovative features to the app space. Firstly, it uses advanced machine learning techniques to match incidents and group them intelligently to identify crash patterns. This lets App Developers see the big picture easily, so they can focus on important incidents and, with just a few clicks, also drill down to see important detail.
The second key feature is integration with leading productivity software platforms such as Slack, Trello and Jira. This automatically adds mobile app issues to workflows so developers can spot and solve app issues earlier.
With Crash Management in place, alongside other Kumulos features, App Developers can build apps faster, use technical resources more effectively and build services to help their customers drive more downloads and greater app user engagement.
Not using Kumulos Crash Analytics yet? Get started with a FREE trial today!